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Insurance Services

"Our focus is to keep farmers farming, and food on the table." 

- Mike Ochs, AFIS

Crop Insurance 


The first rule of managing ag capital is "don't lose it." Crop insurance sets aside that valuable capital. Sure, the outcome of this year's crop is still going to hang on the weather. But your seed money is going to be available to plant again next year- assuring you peace of mind.


You'll increase your borrowing and repayment power.

Even if you're not borrowing now, crop insurance protects your ability to borrow. And if you need and use a credit line, the right insurance will assure your lender you can repay the loan.


Backstop forward contracting and hedging.

The difference in agriculture today is marketing. But to maximize the profits of forward contracting or hedging, you must be protected. Your MAP agent can help you plan coverage that keeps your options open.


MAP Inc. helps assure family security.

If there's no harvest, there's no paycheck, there's no farm. Ultimately, crop insurance protects all the dreams and plans you have for you and your family.


Helps your operation expand.

As you consider expansion, you'll consider two big questions: 1. How much can I make? and 2. How much could I lose? Crop insurance minimizes risks during expansion. You just can't afford to make an important expansion without it.



Hail Insurance

When hail threatens your crops, it threatens the foundation of your income. Without Crop Hail Insurance through MAP, you could be risking the loss of your:


  • Cash Investment

  • Labor

  • Profit


Although we can't promise you a risk-free growing season, we'll pledge:


  • Coverage that is just right for your operation.

  • A network of experienced Crop Hail adjusters who understand your crops. 

  • Fast and fair claims service, year in and year out.

  • An ongoing commitment to time-saving technology.


A Crop Hail policy through MAP, coupled with your MPCI coverage, can help provide complete coverage and peace of mind. Your MAP agent will help you choose the risk management plan that's right for you. We remain committed to providing Crop Hail products that work for our customers.

Livestock Insurance

Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) 

Livestock Risk Protection (LRP) is available for:


Fed Cattle

Feeder Cattle


The LRP program addresses a crucial aspect of risk management for livestock producers- declining market prices- without restricting profit potential.


The LRP Crop Year is July 1st through June 30th. With no sales closing date and several different insurance periods, the LRP program makes it easy to ensure your policies will correspond with your marketing cycles.


Coverage prices and rates change daily and are based on futures prices on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.


Livestock Gross Margin (LGM)

The LGM provides protection against the loss of gross margin (market value of livestock minus feeder cattle and feed costs) on feeder (yearling and calf) cattle. LGM covers the difference between the gross margin guarantee and the actual gross margin at the end of the 11-month insurance period. The LGM insurance policy uses adjusted futures prices to determine the expected gross margin and the actual gross margin. LGM does not insure against death loss or any other loss or damage to the producer's cattle.


Your premium is calculated by a premium calculator program that determines the per head of cattle premium based on target marketings, expected gross margins for each period, and deductibles. You may insure any amount of cattle that you own up to a limit of 5,000 head for any 11-month insurance period and a limit of 10,000 head per crop year. Ownership of insured cattle must be certified by you, the producer, and may be subject to inspection and verification by ARMtech.


Livestock Gross Margin has 3 advantages over traditional options:


  • Convenience: You can sign up for LGM for cattle twelve times per year and insure all of the cattle you expect to market over a rolling 11-month insurance period. You do not have to decide on the mix of options to purchase, the strike price of the options, or the date of entry.


  • Customization: The LGM policy can be tailored to any size farm. Options covered fixed amounts of commodities and those amounts may be too large to be used in the risk management portfolio of some farms.


  • Total Package Protection: LGM protects margin components (cattle price and feed cost) all in one package.


Blizzard Insurance

Other Insurance
Midwest Ag Professionals also offers: 
  • Farm and Ranch Insurance

  • Homeowners Insurance

  • Vehicle Insurance

Call 1-877-299-MAPS (6277) for more Information

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