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 Livestock Risk Protection 

Worried about where the livestock prices might be going?

LRP coverage can protect your cattle investment against a decline in the market. LRP protects producers if the national cash price falls below the 'trigger' level set in their insurance coverage.

How does the policy work?

LRP is sold on a coverage level basis and is government subsidized 13%. At the end of your contract the Chicago Mercantile Exchange sends out a weighted average index, if this index is less then your contract coverage price you will be paid the difference. Everyday at 4:00PM the market prices are published. 

How do you put on a policy?

Give us a call and we can get the application process started. Once you have an application submitted and approved you can purchase coverage under an SCE (Specific Coverage Endorsement). LRP applications are a continuous policy that renew on July 1 unless cancelled.


Set up an a user account to quote and order LRP policies



After Hours: 

If you would like to put on a policy after 5:00pm please call Cody at 620-255-4719 or call Mike at 620-357-5646

Interested in more information?




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